even though his work may sound not important, it actually is, we sit in rudderless, pore spreadsheet, dusty hallways, coffee spilling all the time. it's a big work
Mark Zuckerberg would do anything he can to influence young people to pick up and engage in social networking in order to make a profit for his social networking business.
Among the given choices, only the fourth choice has a noun that refers to the specific car. The noun, which is proper, is the Jetsetter Series 4. All the other choices for this item only has common names or nouns that are cars.
I believe that the phrase from Mandela's speech that is an example of a metaphor is the first one - 'the children, [...] the greatest of our treasures."
A metaphor is a type of comparison, where two or more things are compared without using words such as <em>like </em>or <em>as. </em>Here, the children are the greatest of our treasures - they are compared to a treasure, something which is the most important thing of all.