Because he believed, together with many people from Texas that capital should be located in the center of the state.
That is why Lamar decided to move the capital and Congress appointed new location for the capital along the Colorado River.
New capital was located on the road between Nacogdoches and San Antonio.
Capital was named after the first president of Texas - Austin.
The Nazi Party
While in prison, Adolf Hitler wrote his book called "Mein Kampf", which details Germany's current problems and blames them on the Jewish. He would later establish the Nazi Party and become the supreme ruler of Germany. While in power, he started a genocide campaign against the Jewish. The Jewish were killed by mobile firing squads, and later, gas chambers. At the end of the fuhrer's reign, over 60% of the European Jewish population were killed.
The United States Senate is tasked with reviewing the President's pick for the Supreme Court and either approving or rejecting that nominee.
The size and enthusiasm of the American forces bolstered the French and British.
If I had the power to add one amendment to the US constitution, it would be to give <em><u>basic labor rights.</u></em>
While the constitution talks out basic human rights, freedom of speech and even the right to bear arms, it does not provide any framework on how to manage an effective and healthy workforce fairly.
Some key points would be added e.g the right to a fair minimum wage, the right to health insurance, a work week of no more than 40 hours etc.
While it may have not been important in a society that was largely agricultural, in today's post-industrialization world, this is very important.