¿Qué propósitos educativos debe buscar la escuela?
¿Cómo se pueden seleccionar las experiencias de aprendizaje que puedan ser útiles para lograr estos objetivos?
¿Cómo se pueden organizar las experiencias de aprendizaje para una instrucción eficaz?
¿Cómo se puede evaluar la efectividad de las experiencias de aprendizaje?
The killing of the sow represents the boys' loss of innocence in the land and their desperation without a mother figure.
William Golding's <em>Lord of the Flies</em><em> </em>is a story about a group of young boys stranded on an island after their plane crashed. Their life on the island and their gradual loss of order and civilization is shown in the story.
Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness reveals the boys' killing of the sow and the piglets. Under the leadership of Jack, the group of boys killed the pigs and put her head on a stick. This act of beheading the sow is representative of the group's loss of innocence in being motherless in a deserted land. The sow's death is the missing mother figure in the young boys' lives. The sow and her young piglets are representative of the innocence of nature. And when they are murdered, the innocence was lost.
A. the price of the entree
<h2>Answer:</h2><h3>Islamic affect on Mali</h3>
Muslims are the 95 percent of the community of Mali. The bulk of Muslims in Mali are Mali kite Sunni, led with Sufism.
During the 9th century, Muslim Berber and Tuareg traders delivered Islam southward into West Africa. Islam also grew in the country by the patrons of Sufi affiliations. Turn to Islam associated the West African Savannah to have faith in one God and alike new kinds of administrative, cultural and decorative accouterments.
<h3>Islamic affect on Songhai Empire:</h3>
The Songhai Empire began a fishing and negotiating center on the Niger River in a place called GAO where West African and Muslim merchants visited frequently. Just like Ghana and Mali, the Songhai people were motivated by Islam, and many people even turned. For many years, Songhai people were commanded by Mali and were compelled to pay taxes. Songhai people were ordered to bow before Mali kings as a sign of obedience. In 1325, on the way back from Mecca, Mansa Musa took two of Songhai’s king’s sons as prisoners. One of the sons, Prince Ali Kolon, admitted his learning but always was very sore towards Mali. After 30 years, Ali Kolon left to Songhai and set the Sunni Dynasty.
UCS = chocolate chip cookies
CS = the smell
UCR = the smell of chocolate cookies
CR = the smell of chocolate chips cookies makes you happier
Classical conditioning has three basic stages. The first stage is before conditioning stage in which the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) produces a unlearned response, also called the unconditioned response (UCR. This response is natural.
The second stage is the "during conditioning stage" and it involves a stimulus producing no response and has an association with the unconditioned stimulus, which now becomes the conditioned stimulus (CS).
The third and final stage is the "after conditioning" stage and in this stage the CS is now associated with the UCS to produce a Conditioned response (CR).
From the example, the Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) is the chocolate chip cookies which produces an unlearned response of cheering you up.
The conditioned stimulus is the smell of the chocolate which is now associated with the UCS to become the CS.
The Unconditioned response is the smell f the chocolate chip cookies, which the conditioned response is the smell of the chocolate chip cookies that makes you happy. The happiness is the conditioned response. You are not used feeling happy once you perceive the smell of chocolate chip cookies.