a. the container itself contains contraband or evidence
Officer Franklin has stopped a car driven by Zola, because the officer observed the car weaving across two lanes of traffic. As the officer approaches the driver’s side of the car, she sees a female driver, with another female sitting in the front passenger seat, and a third female sitting behind the front passenger. On the back seat behind the driver, Officer Franklin sees a container, with part of a plastic baggie sticking out the side. There appears to be a white powdery substance in the baggie. She observes the driver and two passengers appear to be highly nervous, with dilated pupils, and speaking rapidly when the officer asks questions. Officer Franklin may search the container without a search warrant even though she lacks probable cause to search the car as a whole and only have probable cause to believe that: <u>the container itself contains contraband or evidence</u>
Freeborn women in ancient Rome were citizens (cives), but could not vote or hold political. In the earliest periods of Roman history, Manus Marriage meant that a or divorcée with assets in these areas faced few obstacles to remarrying.
Although family life has an important impact on children's life chances, the mechanisms through which parents transmit advantages are imperfectly understood. An ethnographic data set of white children and black children approximately 10 years old shows the effects of social class on interactions inside the home. Middle-class parents engage in concerted cultivation by attempting to foster children's talents through organized leisure activities and extensive reasoning. Working-class and poor parents engage in the accomplishment of natural growth, providing the conditions under which children can grow but leaving leisure activities to children themselves. These parents also use directives rather than reasoning. Middle-class children, both white and black, gain an emerging sense of entitlement from their family life. Race had much less impact than social class. Also, differences in a cultural logic of childrearing gave parents and their children differential resources to draw on in their interactions with professionals and other adults outside the home. Middle-class children gained individually insignificant but cumulatively important advantages. Working-class and poor children did not display the same sense of entitlement or advantages. Some areas of family life appeared exempt from the effects of social class, howeve
Answer: The first is with the consent of its parent country, that is when the government of the sovereign state which it belongs to allows it to secede, either through agreement between the central government.
In propositional logic, this sentence can be symbolized as pVq.
Propositional logic deals with propositions being true or false. Basic logical connectives are AND, OR, NOT. "OR" is a disjunction connective, symbolized by "V"
The symbols p and q refer to propositions or statements that are connected together to make a compound statement. Connecting two statements with or is a disjunction. In a disjunction, the compound statement is true if and only if statement p OR statement q OR both statements are true. The compound statement is false if and only if statement p AND statement q are both false.
In the example above, the statement "disembodied spirits exist" is statement p, while the statement "psychic hoaxes are rampant" is statement q.