Answer: It is the ninth inning and we are down by three runs.
Ovid, or (to give him his full Roman name) Publius Ovidius Naso, was ... ('That you may know who I was, I that playful poet of tender love ... like, are now 'in the books' — and will suffer no further political upheavals of ... 4.55–166 Pyramus and Thisbe ... altogether happy, saying to him: 'Take courage, good mariner; you have
What does the idiom, "it's raining cats and dogs" mean?
We can collaborate on the project together.
These artifacts are from the Neolithic Era.
Teacher, may I please use the lavatory?
If the structure isn't built right, the ceiling could collapse!
What is the isotherm on the map?
The medicine will help alleviate the pain.
Rising action of "The Meet" by Madelyn Srin denote Readers meet the character and become acquainted
I think you should read it yourself