Now it’s time to discuss your analysis. Partner with at least one other person, such as a classmate or your teacher, to discuss
your analysis. Take turns sharing and discussing the notes you took in part B. Listen respectfully and ask thoughtful questions to clarify your understanding of the text. After your discussion, reflect on the experience by describing in 75 to 100 words how the discussion helped you develop a better understanding of the argument.
Answer: After discussing my analysis with a partner, I had a clearer understanding of the connection between the message, purpose, and claim. I also better understood how the author used rhetorical strategies to develop the claim. Some rhetorical stratigies used are alitereration, metaphors, and rhetorical questions to influence the American public and others listening to instill the same desire kdennady had to accomplish.
After discussing my analysis with a partner, I had a clearer understanding of the connection between the message, purpose, and claim. I also better understood how the author used rhetorical strategies to develop the claim.