The native american came to the new world with the conquistadors. For one spanish conquistador an expedition that began on a texas beach ended with a much different kind of notable attainment than whichever the spanish crown and catholic church perhaps anticipated. The remarkable journey also opened a conversation about unfair benefit and human rights that endures to this day. During the age of exploration, the spanish conquistadors arose to the america in exploration of the three G's: gold, glory, and God. The spanish crown acknowledged the gold and glory and the catholic church acknowledged the converts. A fourth G was typically on the consideration prize list as well: geography. European controls contended dynamically and violently to claim land in the america in command to spread their territories across the oceans.
Image result for The French Revolution (1789) began as a reaction to
The French Revolution began in 1789 and lasted until 1794. King Louis XVI needed more money, but had failed to raise more taxes when he had called a meeting of the Estates General. This instead turned into a protest about conditions in France.
The correct answer is "the trial will begin."
The jury is always selected before a trial by jury is started. The jury is selected by both the plaintiff and defendants lawyers. They are selected by answering numerous questions and each lawyer has the chance to refuse a juror. The jury is made up of people from all backgrounds and the jury that is chosen should not be biased in any way to the defendant.
The verdict will be read at the end of the trial by the jury foreman.
Learn more about a jury at
Article 2
The main focus of Article II is the Executive Branch and its role in U.S. government, this portion of the document states the main functions of the Executive Branch, its set up and limitations.
C After the stock market crash people withdrew their money from the banks ASAP for fear of losing it.