Otherwise the only similarity is that they are organelles, and can generate themselves.
The answer is pilus. This structure joins two bacteria of same species and allow exchange of genetic material in a process called horizontal gene transfer (conjugation). The plasmid of one of the bacteria (the mobile plasmid) is nicked once and the strand moves through the pillus to the other bacteria. It combines with the other plasmid or chromosome to for recombinant dna.
Trichromatic vision.
Trichromatic theory may be defined as the theory that posses of three independent channels that are used to convey the color information. They are derived from the three different cone cells.
The television also produce three primary colors by the use of trichromatic theory. The receptor or these colors in human are greater than three as different colors have different intensity of light. The opsin protein plays an important role in the trichromatic vision.
Thus, the answer is trichromatic vision.