"The Monkey's Paw" is set in the White family home in England. ... He tells the Whites stories of his adventures in that faraway land and shows them a monkey's paw that has the power to grant three wishes. Mr. White wants the paw, but Morris tells him it's cursed – people get hurt when their wishes are granted.
d po ako sure
Miss Adela Strangeworth,from the short story the possibility of Evil by shirley jackson,is a 71 years old pensioner who live in pleasant street.she takes pride in her home,the people respect for her,and especially her roses.
A: It can be difficult to figure out who you really are.
They are both trying to find out who they are in life, but they can't. Because there's so many things getting in the way of finding out who they are, and there's that same mini-plot in each story.
Alice Walker published "Everyday Use" in 1973, in the early years of the Afrocentrism movement in America. This social movement examined the European cultural dominance over nonwhites and led to a renewed interest in and embrace of traditional African culture as a form of self-determination.
Dee's decision to take the name Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo, she explains to her mother, is because she "couldn't bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me." The shedding of European names in favor of African or African-sounding names became popular during the civil rights and black power periods in America that occurred around the time Walker published the story.
Dee/Wangero is actively pursuing her own cultural identity as a modern African American woman, and part of the process for her involves ridding herself of her birth name. Dee/Wangero's mother likes the colorful dress and jewelry she wears, and she offers to go along with her daughter's new name. When she denies Wangero...