In summary, she loses her temper, feels ill, she starts to feel like flying, but starts to fall, until everything goes black.
Answer:i think the letter is c
Explanation:c) oft i haved heard in crete this island name......
i kind of got confused but when i read the part when it says unseen i scaped and forward by the night in a phonenician vessel took my flight for the pyle or elis bound but temptest tossed and raging billows drove us to the coast . and then i started to think about athene idk but i think athene is telling form and has a kindful laugh/smile
1 This suggests that the problems in Johannesburg are not local and specific only to this large urban area, but exist elsewhere. More importantly, Paton suggests that these problems will continue to increase as urbanization continues in South Africa unless the changes he suggests are implemented.
2 The miners are unsatisfied with the working conditions, including the separation from their families and the unfair distribution of wealth from the mines. After the narrative voice says that all is quiet another voice retorts that only fools are quiet. This makes an interesting contrast with John Kumalo with his powerful voice, but lack of action and Arthur Jarvis and his eloquent letters. Both of these men use words but do not follow the words with action. Kumalo out of fear and Jarvis due to his untimely death. Paton could be making the point that words, regardless of how eloquently spoken or written, may begin change, but only action will ultimately bring about that change.
3 Jarvis provides milk to the children of the village. Jarvis begins to realize the predicament of the natives and how that predicament really involves all of South Africa, white and black. He realizes,like his son, that everyone must work together and that the native population must be educated, one of his son's goals.
4 <span>The novel thus ends on a note of hope: Kumalo awakes from a both a literal and a metaphorical darkness into dawn. Therefore, while Paton ends the novel with the question of when Africa itself will emerge from its metaphorical darkness, there is nevertheless the assumption that the emergence into a dawn is inevitable. The question of when this emergence from darkness will occur is the only question that Paton can now pose.</span>
7. The best time to plant flower seeds, of course, is just before a rainy season, not in the middle of a hot dry summer.
8. Our neighbor, Miss Allen, manages two apartment houses.
9. As a matter of fact, most horses can run four miles without having to stop.
10. The Comanches, like many nomadic tribes, once traveled throughout Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma.
I wasn't sure about number 6.
Hope this helps,