The Brain Trust.
They were a core group of advisors that helped FDR enact fifteen major laws in their first "hundred days" in office.
Quien verdaderamente vive, no puede dejar de ser ciudadano y partisano. La indiferencia y la abulia son parasitismo, son cobardía, no vida. Por eso odio a los indiferentes.
Es lo que, espero y te sirva
i have he same question, we might be in the same class fr
our teacher name start with a t lol
Racial Profiling" refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Criminal profiling, generally, as practiced by police, is the reliance on a group of characteristics they believe to be associated with crime. Examples of racial profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations (commonly referred to as "driving while black or brown"), or the use of race to determine which pedestrians to search for illegal contraband.