It is a preamble.
Hope this helped.
sorry me no speak that language !
Nomadic people who migrated to India
about 2000 BCE
Caste system is A social class system that divides Indian
Seasonal winds that bring heavy rain to
India during summer months
Subcontinent is A large area of land that is part of a
larger continent
Majority of the impact comes from taxes
Non farming activities are more profitable in economic sense and good for the environmental health.
Non-farm activities need to be encouraged in a big way. More farm activities (including animal farming) are putting burden on environment and excessive use of available land. Non farming activities are more convenient and can connect cities to the town and villages. It provides more earning opportunity with fewer resources.
Non-farming activities require financial stability/capital. Thus the government needs to be providing loans to the people who want to start their own business at a low interest cost.