I would most prefer to live in <u>Greek </u>civilization because:
- <u>-Culture and education</u> – Greece is often cited as the cradle of culture and the civilization that gave a lot of knowledge to the modern world. Philosophy and science were developed, and so were theatre and music. It would be wonderful to enjoy life in a cultured society that gives the possibility of learning so much and exploring the universe in the most cultured society of the time.
- <u>-Democracy</u> – the Greek society put the basics of democracy as we know it today. It was the first civilization that introduced the idea that free men could vote and influence the political life of their state. It gave them freedom and power to its citizens.<u> Living in a democratic society is of great importance for all people.</u>
- <u>-Rich and fertile regio</u>n – Greece always had a wonderful position that provided plenty of goods. The sunny climate and the nearness of the sea ensure the citizens have full of vegetables, fruits, and fish. On top of that, it is a colorful region with impressive nature. <u>Even though it was complicated to travel at the time, it would be great to live in pleasant surroundings and the proximity to the sea. </u>
As soon as Israel had sovereignty in 1948 weaponized problems started
C. Held their own service in secret
1. The word Asia originated from the Ancient Greek word Ἀσία, first attributed to Herodotus (about 440 BCE) in reference to Anatolia or to the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. It originally was just a name for the east bank of the Aegean Sea, an area known to the Hittites as Assuwa.