actores- actors- a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television.
armoniosa- harmonious- tuneful; not discordant.
presarvar- a person who maintains something in its original or existing state or condition.
I hope this helps you and answered you question
Prefiero caminar las calles.
Your'e Welcome!
Im pretty sure it's like this.
Ernesto: El restaurante donde comiste ayer es bastante caro. Sara: Es verdad. pague más o menos de 50 dólares por la cena.
In English:
Ernesto: The resturant that you went was too expensive. Sara: It's true. I paid more or less 50 dollars for the dinner.
Nosotros barremos el suelo "we sweep the floor."
Prendemos would mean "we light the ground," sacuden would mean "we shake the ground," and barren is the incorect verb form. Barren is used for ustedes, and in this situation we are reffering to ourselves and not somebody else.
María Luisa *vive* en Paraguay con sus dos hermanas.
Ella y una hermana *asisten* al colegio Manuel Ignacio Córdoba.
María siempre *termina* su tarea.
Sus amigas *comen* con ella durante el almuerzo.