Different types of noodles are eaten around the world. One of the most well-known noodles is macaroni. The name macaroni does no
t come from its shape. It comes from the type of dough that is used to make the macaroni. Macaroni is made with hard wheat known as semolina. This kind of flour is used to make dried noodles. Macaroni can be used in many ways. It is most popularly used in macaroni and cheese. Which sentences can be added to help develop the topic?
Noodles can come in a lot of different shapes. They can look like ribbons, strings, or tubes.
In the past, macaroni was a word for young, well-traveled Englishmen. They were often very proud.
Making a good noodle takes years of practice. Some noodles need particular flour and oil.
Macaroni is a type of dried noodle. It is a short, hollow noodle that is slightly curved.