If I had time, I would go shopping with you.
Select all that apply. freedom of the press freedom of speech freedom of religion the right of the people to peaceably assemble the right to a speedy trial no taxation without representation the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
John Snow from a psychoanalytic perspective has a very punishing great ego built by Lord Stark's teachings. And a neurotic psychological structure.
The first element to back this answer is that in the first place, Jhon Snow from the ice and fire saga is a very dutiful person who always acts to fulfill the impositions made by people whom he respects. First of all from Lord Stark as he is his father. Now, because he has an unfinished Oedipus he doesn't have a strong id or ego. Struggling hard to show people he is worthy of their respect and acknowledgment. Thus, he developed a neurotic personality that is only broken with alcohol or high-risk situations in which he stops following his commands and act according to his desire. An example of this is when he marries Igrith.
A) When she says “I don’t see the power, the confidence you say I have,” she’s saying that other people see her in a way that she can never see herself as
Hope this helps comment below for more questions :)