The gold standard is a monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value directed linked to gold.
Answer: Haptic
Haptic sense is basically related to the science of touch sensing and also control the interaction with the various computer applications. The word haptic comes from the Greek word " Haptein" which means to fasten.
In the digital technology, the haptic sense is basically related to the tactile sensation and it is the method of interaction with the various electronic and the computer devices such as smartphones. It is also known as haptic technology.
using a rhetorical question
A rhetorical question is styled to make an effect or to lay emphasis on some point and not in a need for real answer. In literature, it is used as an impressive persuasive device. For example, if someone asks " who is better than me" not to get an answer but to enforce that he is the best. In the above-mentioned question, Faith posed this question as a taunt to her classmate and not to obtain an answer.
Rhea The Greek Goddess <span>is the great Olympian mother archetype.</span>