english translation:
helene has math class on monday at eight o'clock, thursday at eleven o'clock, friday at two o'clock. saturday at eigh o’clock, she has french class on monday nine till ten o’clock, wednesday at eight, thursday at three and friday at eleven. she has spanish monday at eleven, thursday at two, and saturday at ten o'clock. she has english monday at two, wednesday at nine, and thursday at nine. she has art monday at three and four.
she has history (+) geography tuesday at eight and nine and thursday at one. she has physics tuesday at eleven, one, and two. she has p.e. tuesday at three and four, and friday at eight. she has computer science wednesday at ten, friday at four, and saturday at nine. she has music wednesday at eleven. she has biology on friday at nine and three.
what time does helene eat?
I would use Sont since in a classroom females and males and since it’s a mix of the box and a group of people not counting yourself it would be ils and so using that ils verb is sont
Answer:this is for number 3. good mourning=bonjor
my name is =je m'appelle
so so=comme ci comme ca
nice to meet you=enchante
how are you=comment allez vous
Bonjour !!
1- L'écureuil et le chevreuil sont en train de cueillir des feuilles sur le manguier.
2- Mes grands-parents aiment s'asseoir dans de grands fauteuils à côté du seuil de la maison pour lire des recueils de poèmes.
3- Le jeune avec plein d'orgueil présente le feuilleton juste après l'accueil des invités.
<em>sounds better with complete sentences !!</em>
<em>Conjugue "aimer son portefeuille" au présent</em>
J'aime mon portefeuille
tu aimes ton portefeuille
il/elle aime son portefeuille
nous aimons notre portefeuille
vous aimez votre portefeuille
ils/elles aiment leur portefeuille
hope this helps ☺☺☺