Q#2:At first, Christianity strengthened Axum;s relationship with its North African neighbors and the Mediterranean world. As its neighbors and trading partners converted to Islam, however, Axum, which remained Christian, lost its influence in the region. As a result, civil war and economic decline weakened the kingdom.
Q#3:Research shows that Aksum was a major naval and trading power from the 1st to the Sahara in the west, across the Red Sea to the inner Arabian desert in the east. It holds the fascination of being a "lost" civilization, yet one that was African, set out in the Pentateuch (Torah), the religious texts of the Jewish religion.
Q#4: Ethiopia's geographic isolation allowed the kingdom to remain independent while helping it develop a unique sense of identity based largely on religion. Trade was responsible for bringing different cultures to the cities, which led to the spread of Islam
Q#5:Islam spread to West Africa and Southeast Asia through traders and travelling Muslims.
Q#6:Trade was responsible for bringing different cultures to the cities, which led to the spread of Islam. Trade also helped change the regions architecture and assisted in the development of the Swahili language.
Explanation: for question number 5 that is the closest answer I have for you. And please make me brainliest also I hope this helps you
James Buchanan .............
Los nómadas viven en un entorno más cambiante ya que la propia definición de nómada es de una persona que se mueve constantemente de lugar de residencia.
Esto debido a que los nómadas son cazadores y recolectores, aunque algunos también son pastoralistas, y otros ocasionalmente practican algo de agricultura. Los nómadas necesitan cambiar de lugar de residencia en el momento en que los recursos naturales que necesitan se agotan en un lugar específico.
Las personas sedentarias en cambio, basan su alimentación en la agricultura, y tienden con el tiempo a construir civilizaciones. Como la agricultura permanente requiere de un gran cuidado, éstas personas necesitan vivir cerca a sus cultivos con el fin de poder sembrarlos, mantenerlos, y cosecharlos.