Figure A: active transport
Many different ways, primarily through bone and muscle loss. The lack of pressure on bones causes the body to reabsorb calcium from them, weakening them and potentially causing kidney stones.
Answer: D. I, II, III, IV, V, and VI
Oxygen is recquired for cellular respiration and break down nutrients like sugar to create ATP. Organisms from all kingdoms like Bacteria, Archea, Plants, Protists, animals and fungi can use cellular respireation.
Virus can survive independently for many years.
independently because they cant live if they cant connect to the host cell
If your body lacks enzymes that break down
carbohydrates, it would be unable to get sugar molecules for energy production.
If you lacked the enzyme to digest proteins, you may not absorb enough amino
The digestive system in our body changes
carbohydrates into glucose; also known as blood sugar to be use as an important
source of energy. Meanwhile, amino acids are organic compounds that combine to
form proteins, which are the building blocks of life.