The producers is practicing <u>specialization</u> when a manufacturer or a producer concentrates on one very specific product.
Answer: Option C
Specialization is when a producer produces only a particular kind of good and focuses on the production of that good. The producer of that good tries to reduce the cost of producing that good and increase in profit.
Proper efficient techniques are used and that too efficiently so that the resources used in that goods are also used judiciously and not wasted. This helps the producer of that good to become competitive in the market of that good and do better than others.
Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquency conducted campaigns against the "corrupting influence of taverns and theaters and opposed the use of jails to house children"
Answer: Option A
Juvenile delinquency is the habitual committing of the crimes or offences by the persons who are young and are not adults. The society which was formed for the reformation of juvenile delinquency conducted campaigns against use of jails for children.
They were not in favor of using the imprisonment for the criminals who were not of legal age. They wanted other ways and methods to reform the criminals of such young people and for reformation of juvenile.
What is the fine print of form we-4
explain more so i can anwer
I would say, since I dont have the choices, i would say that it depends....
An egalitarian society that relies only on wild resources for food is a hunter-gatherer society.
Hunter-gatherer societies engage in a subsistence lifestyle that relies on hunting and fishing and foraging for wild vegetation and other foodstuffs that are found in the wild like honey and nuts. This was the principal form of human subsistence until about 12,000 years ago. Hunter-gatherers are politically autonomous because they use mobility as a survival strategy. Although there are few surviving groups who live this way today like the Hadza in Tanzania, hunter-gathers generally live in small bands and move from camp to camp as they follow the available game and search out edible vegetation.