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The answer is 4 goodbye have a good day
The heart is the main organ in the circulatory system, the structure primarily responsible for delivering the circulation of blood and transportation of nutrients in all parts of the body. This continuous task uplifts the role of the heart as a vital organ whose normal operation is constantly required.
Esta tortilla española<span> de </span>papas<span> y jamón se prepara al horno y lleva </span>huevos<span>, </span>papas<span> o ... Agregue las rodajas de </span>papa<span> o patata y revuelva hasta </span>que<span> todas las ... El más grande (un molde rectangular de </span>pan<span>) se horneo durante unos 30-35 minutos. ... Calentar el aceite y cocinar las rodajas de </span>papas<span> Agregar la </span>cebolla<span> y el ajo.</span>