The father has daughters, Marcela and Vanesa the brother, Raul.
It's "comunicó" and I'm pretty sure it's imperfect. I also don't know the verb form, sorry.
Colorado — This is the past participle of colorar, which means to give something color, such as by dyeing. The participle, however, specifically refers to red, such as red earth.
Florida — Probably a shortened form of pascua florida, literally meaning "flowered holy day," referring to Easter.
Montana — The name is an anglicized version of montaña, the word for "mountain." The word probably comes from the days when mining was a leading industry in the region, as the state's motto is "Oro y plata," meaning "Gold and silver." It's too bad the "n" of the spelling wasn't retained; it would have been cool to have a state name with a letter not in the English alphabet.
New Mexico — The Spanish Mexico or Méjico came from the name of an Aztec god.
Texas — The Spanish borrowed this word, spelled Tejas in Spanish, from indigenous residents of the area. It relates to the idea of friendship. Tejas, although not used that way here, also can refer to roof tiles.
Pelar , pero ............
-Que asco! esa combinacion no es nada buena para la salud.
-Por supuesto! tambien me gustaria probar otros tipos de queso.
-Por supuesto! dicen que tomar leche en las mañanas ayuda a fortalecer los huesos y mantenerte despierto.
-Que asco! las frutas no se mezclan con una pizza.
-Por supuesto! acompañado de un sandwich con pollo.
-Por supuesto! es una costumbre que tenemos todos juntos.
-Que asco! es mucha grasa y puede perjudicar la salud, es mejor comerlo 2 veces en el mes.