1. True the time signature represents the counts/beats per measure (bpm).
2. False, tuba's, and trombones are large instruments and gives off deeper pitches compared to the flute which is smaller and has a very high pitch.
I've been playing music since 4th grade so it's easy :)) Hope this helps:))
Key is F sharp
rhythm- (first 4 measures) do, do, do oo, do oo, do oo, do, do, rest, do, do de (next 4 measures) do, do, do, do, do oo, do, rest, do oo, do oo, do oo, do oo
solfege -mezzo piano for the first 4 measures and then mezzo forte for the next 4 measures
The Tempest opens in the midst of a storm, as a ship containing the king of Naples and his party struggles to stay afloat. On land, Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, watch the storm envelop the ship. Prospero has created the storm with magic, and he explains that his enemies are on board the ship.