The moment I stepped into the house, I immediately felt that somthing was amiss. Everything was too quiet my loud siblings nowhere in sight. I could understand why my motherwas missing, she was at work but I had two loud siblings which meant i always came home to a messy house and loud arguments. Now that I thought of it something didn't smell right either. The smell of somthing rotten was floating in theair and the farther I stepped into the house the stronger it got.
I can't write you a whole sorry unfortunately but I hope you can work with this.
Immediate emancipation of all slaves.
if by any chance I was your curious brother as you said you told him it was a boring text book so he left but if he knew it was kinda like a comic he would have been happy and excited to have a sister who shares the same interests as him that's how my lil sis is and I like her for that so give it a try I guess it's just an opinion though thanks
World War II caused greater destruction than any other war in history. The war took the lives of about 17 million soldiers and an even greater number of civilians, who died as a result of bombings, starvation, and deliberate campaigns of mass murder. The war also ushered in the atomic age and was quickly followed by the collapse of the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union and the beginning of the Cold War.
World War I created the conditions that led to World War II. The peace settlement ending the war, which stripped the Central Powers of territory and arms and required them to pay reparations, left lasting bitterness in Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Turkey. The peace treaty also disappointed two of the victors, Italy and Japan. In addition, the war severely disrupted Europe's economies and helped set the stage for the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Hercules strangles the snakes that Hera puts in his crib
it's the only thing that happened to him as a child