Writing is a process that involves several distinct steps: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. It is important for a writer to work through each of the steps in order to ensure that he has produced a polished, complete piece. The writing process is not always linear. A writer may move back and forth between steps as needed. For example, while you are revising, you might have to return to the prewriting step to develop and expand your ideas.
C... It gives more vivid sensory details such as illuminating light which uses sight, and the crumpled letter which can also appeal to touch, and sight. while the others do not contain as many sensory details as C
Minnie Foster/Wright in Trifles is described as a woman who has been broken down by her husband's abuse. She used to be an extroverted, glamorous woman but has now been reduced to someone who wears shabby clothes and does not clean her house properly. Expert Answers Hollis Sanders | Certified Educator
Your answer is yes initially is a sequence word.