In your opinion, which of these entrepreneurs--J.J. McAlester, Frank Phillips, E.W. Marland, or Robert S. Kerr--was the most suc
cessful? Why? Keep in mind that there are different ideas of what “success” means. Was the entrepreneur you chose successful because he made tons of money, because he developed new ideas, or because he used his wealth to help others?
In my opinion the best entrepreneur would be Robert S Kerr. He was a wealthy businessman and politician from Oklahoma born in September 11, 1896.
His wealth helped him be part of the senate during the 1930. He worked in the petroleum and natural gas industry and defended the conservation of natural resources.
He is mostly known for a series of water projects and dams that helped make rivers into waterway systems. He also co-sponsored the creation of seven regional water pollution field laboratories, being the most famous The Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Center in Ada, OK, which main goals still nowadays are to protect public health through sustainable health communities, safe and sustainable water resources and chemical safety.
Robert Kerr was not only a wealthy man that only make profit for himself and family but also to help others even after his death.
No hablo español muy bien, pero el segundo gran despertar ayudó a cambiar la forma en que la mayoría de la gente veía el mundo. Antes del segundo gran despertar, la gente aceptaba que el rey era simplemente un rey por derecho de Dios. pero el despertar les hizo cuestionar esto.
Espero que esto ayude, amigo! intenté mi mejor jajaja!
Most forms of paper currency, regardless of monetary value, possess a watermark which could be found when the bill is held up to the light. The watermark usually depicts a famous citizen of that nation or denomination numeral.