Generally speaking, advanced farming techniques allowed for a surplus of food, which led to the emergence of a "artisan" class--since for the first time people were "freed" to engage in other actives besides gathering food.
The Roles of Women in the Revolutionary War. Women took on many roles in the Revolutionary War. ... From supportive jobs like nurses, cooks and maids to more direct roles such as secret soldiers and spies, these Daughters of Liberty did more than their share to help win America's independence.
b) During the war, the U.S. claimed Guam, Wake Island, and parts of the Samoan Islands.
The War of 1898 was a war between the United States and Spain. It is more commonly known as Spanish- American War of 1898. It was a conflict between Spain and US that put an end to the Spanish colonial rule in America.
Americans recognized independence and freedom from The Philippines, Cuba and Spanish colonials. During the war, the US navy ship named U.S.S. Maine exploded at the Havana Harbor in Cuba.
There was no popular demands for Guam, Wake Island and parts of Samoan Islands.