The order of these periods is the Cretaceous period, Jurassic period, Triassic period, Devonian period, and Cambrian period.
The phrase "Cuddly Old Sheep Dogs Make Perfect Pets; They Just Crowd People Nearby Quietly" is one technique used to organize geological periods. In this phrase, the first letter of each word represents a period.
For example:
- Old starts with "o" and represents the Ordovician period
- Quietly starts with "q" and represents the Quaternary period
- Make starts with "m" and represents the Mississippian period
In this context, the order of the given periods from the most recent to the oldest one is:
- The Cretaceous period "crowd"
- The Jurassic period "just"
- The Triassic period "they"
- The Devonian period "dogs"
- The Cambrian period "cuddly"
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When discussing drought, one must have an understanding of aridity and the difference between the two. Aridity is defined, in meteorology and climatology, as "the degree to which a climate lacks effective, life-promoting moisture" (Glossary of Meteorology, American Meteorological Society). Drought is "a period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently long enough to cause a serious hydrological imbalance". Aridity is measured by comparing long-term average water supply (precipitation) to long-term average water demand (evapotranspiration). If demand is greater than supply, on average, then the climate is arid. Drought refers to the moisture balance that happens on a month-to-month (or more frequent) basis. If the water supply is less than water demand for a given month, then that month is abnormally dry; if there is a serious hydrological impact, then a drought is occurring that month. Aridity is permanent, while drought is temporary.
Sparta was known for their extreme war skills and judging by history Athens was a capital city and most of the soldiers of Greece came from Sparta I guess
The natural gas is used more often because it is much more environmentally friendly.
Most of the world, in order to produce energy for whatever purpose, mostly relies on usage of fossil fuels. The fossil fuels that are the most dominant when it comes to usage are unfortunatelly the ones that cause the most pollution. Those two fossil fuels are the coal and oil. There is another fossil fuels though that has always been in the background but is gradually becoming more and more popular.
The fossil fuel that starts to gain more ground is the natural gas. The natural gas is relatively abundant, easy for usage, transportation, and economically justifiable. What is also very important and gives it an advantage lately is the fact that the pollution form it is uncompearably lower, in fact, the methane that is released from the natural gas only does so because of leaks during its transportation.
Compact: closely and neatly packed together; dense
Prorupted: an extension that protrudes from the main territory. Thailand is an example of a prorupted state.
Elongated: Something that's elongated is stretched out, or extended so that it's longer than usual. Some painters, like El Greco, are known for their strange, elongated figures.
Fragmented: an adjective that describes things that have been reduced or divided into fragments—pieces that have been broken off of or detached from the whole. The related adjective fragmentary means something different: consisting of or reduced to fragments—disconnected or incomplete, as in fragmentary evidence.
Perforated: pierced with a hole or holes