The Constitution of 1795 came after the Reign of Terror in France. It aimed to establish a more stable republic, regaining the original ideals of the French Revolution. There would be a two-chamber legislature and, as the executive branch of government, a five-man Directory.
The Directory proved to be ineffective and weak, however. A strong military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, positioned himself to take over the reins of power in France's government by 1799.
1. Maat- The goddess of order 2.Amun-Ra- God of sun and wind 3.Hathor- The cow goddess 4. Isis- Godess of magic
The first main reason was most of the market was based solely on credit, which was stock that was purchased without actual cash, but purchased on credit.
The second factor was the massive pull out by many investors due to a panic that caused the Banks to attempt to purchase these stocks leading to a complete collapse in the market.
The inherent conflict between capitalist and communist economic policies, markets, and trade.
It explains in the passage "During World War II, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union partially abandoned an approach to international relations which presupposed the inevitability of a clash between communism and capitalism."
It’s Fort Sumter, after Lincoln said that they weren’t launching an attack on the confederates. They were only replenishing the fort.