Hmm i assume you mean in spanish right? probably go with "Hola como estas ustedes, mi nombre es (insert name here). however i recommend waiting for someone a little more knowledgeable as i am from a less fancy part of Mexico and that's just how everyone is "polite" around my home town hope this helps
<u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
"1. Last night Pilar and Guillermo _______ have dinner in an elegant restaurant.
2. Guillermo _______ with a very elegant gray suit and Pilar with a fashionable dress.
3. Guillermo _____ a taxi without any problem.
4.Unfortunately, the taxi driver _____ take the longest road to the restaurant.
5. It took so long (they took so long) to arrive that Pilar almost (almost) _____, and Guillermo thought: - Oh, I'm starving!.
6. In the restaurant, Pilar and Guillermo _____ the waiter to a table near the window.
7. Guillermo _____ a steak and rice.
8. Pilar _____ try grilled salmon with french fries.
9. They too _____ some cocktails.
10. The waiter gave them _____ the cocktails and some enteemeses."
In this case, I'm assuming Renee is a name, like Renata in Spanish, and we're going to use the pronoun Vosotros, we're going to do the best present tense conjugation with this pronoun.
Renee quiere aclarar a vosotros las instrucciones.
Renee se va a unir a vosotros.
Renee quiere cantar para vosotros.
¿Vosotros sois amigos de Renee?
1. Tuvieron
2. Quiero
3. Traen
4. Da
5. Viniste
6. Vamos
7. Haré
8. Durmió