It spread several disease among the people, which where spread to Native Americans killing their population
The main reason why Spain decided to support Columbus' voyages of exploration was because he promised that he would bring gold and spices back from the New World. Another reason was that the Spanish Crown was interested in spreading Christianity.
Accepting other people's religious beliefs.
Espanol: ¿ Crees que, en la actulidad, las personas valor an elephant trabajo coming una fuerza transformadora?
La respuesta: En la actualidad debido a la pandemia, las personas han aprendido a valorar el trabajo como una fuerza transforadora.
English: Do you think people today value work as a transformative force?
Answer: Today because of the pandemic, people have learned to value work as a transformative force.
(I don’t know if the English thing is right or Spanish so if I’m wrong I’m sorry so stay with me because I’m still learning Spanish)