B."The forest seemed interminable; nowhere did he discover a break in it, not even a woodman's road."
Forseshadowing is when you let the reader see something that is going to happen later in the story with different ways of leaving clues so the reader is able to see it coming, they could be bi signals, or using prophecies, or by the context given, in this case the author is using the description of the forest to foreshadow the fate of the protagonist.
Then your blood becomes useless.
The blood in your body contains many hemoglobin which contains iron. Iron carries oxygen around your body, and keeps strength in you to continue to live. If the respiratory systems fail, and they cannot transport these nutrients, gases, and other molecules, your blood will directly be influenced, which means you will most likely die.
C) look beyond the details and imformation provided
11. = b. and 12. = c. but 13. = e. because 14. = a. comma 15. = e. because 16. = a. comma 17. = c. but