American is made up of being a democracy, what makes our country so great is that the people have a voice. Voting gives the people the voice instead of higher powers choosing who runs our country, the people who make up our country get to choose and vote for who they think would continue to make our country great. (Not a Trump reference)
he wanted to create a place where he could practice his religion freely
The general relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Human Development Index (HDI) is that they are usually "tied together", in that when one goes up so does the other. This is because countries with greater wealth usually have populations with greater life expectancies.
Initially, each representative mandated for around 30,000 people. Nowadays, because of the increase in population, each representative mandated for around a million people. With an increase or a decrease in population it might change in the future.
tbh later in his life he was gettin threatened by lots a people so i would say harsh