Wyoming was only a territory when it began to allow women to vote in 1869, which led to a cascade of other western states allowing the same. Before the 19th Amendment, outside of New Mexico, every territory and state in the West allowed women to vote. However, it was not because Western states such as Wyoming thought that women deserved this privilege. It was a time of rapid Westward expansion, and in 1869 Wyoming had barely been able to become a territory. They added that these laws were aimed exclusively at white women. One lawmaker in Wyoming even tried to water down the bill by adding a text that explicitly gave women of other races the right to vote. But his amendment failed "because everyone said, 'Look, we know we're only talking about white women here.'" After Wyoming passed the law, states around the West saw it as an opportunity for them, too. And interestingly, even though Wyoming was the first to grant women’s suffrage, Utah was the first place where women cast a vote because their elections came first.
Oligarchy is a system of command that hold power around small group of people.
1. Oligarchy Governments tend to exclude others and are very selective. This puts limits on their supplies and connections.
2. When the citizens of an Oligarchy government find the people in power too exclusive and notice that they can not precede in ranking or approach the hierarchy, the citizens will revolt and see no reason to be apart of this Oligarchy lifestyle.
Children were usually hit with a strap by the mill owners to make them work faster
Children who found it difficult to maintain the speed required by the mill owners were usually hit with a strap to make them work faster. Children were also punished for arriving late for work and for talking to the other children.
<span>The United States shared a common language and literature with Britain</span>