One form of resistance was slowing down the picking of cotton. Slaves would intentionally go slower so that they could have an easier time in the fields. This was combatted by the Southern Plantation owners after a while by whipping the slaves severely during their first picks and then mandating that they had to pick at least as much cotton every time after.
Another form of resistance was to run away. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves escape to the north and to freedom.
Here we have two different decisions.<em><u> Opportunity cost</u></em> of buying the CD and not buying the DVD is 1: ($11-$10). And <em><u>opportunity cost</u></em> of buying the CD and not buying the new T-shirt is 4: ($14-10). <em><u>Opportunity cost</u></em> is the difference between the value of the option chosen and the value of the best option not made. If the option I choose gives me a benefit of 10 but there is an alternative option offered by 12, the opportunity cost is 2.
Rail road companies facilitated settlement of the Great Plains because it provided a means of transportation for settlers to get to the location. The government had also provided land to these companies which they sold at an affordable cost to the new settlers. The area was a large expanse of flat land making it easy for newcomers to establish agriculture.
The correct answer is letter C
Explanation: Terrestrial planets are those formed mainly by rocks and metals, have a solid surface without the incidence of rings, as is the case with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, its core consists of dense metal, especially iron.
The naval battle of Trafalgar was fought on October 21, 1805. The British fleet under Lord Nelson met a combined fleet of French and Spanish ships off the coast of Spain. The English fleet won a tremendous victory ensuring that Napolean would not be able to invade Britain. Admiral Lord Nelson died during the battle.