It was my first time in the jungle and I was so excited. I seen many animals I have not seen before. The view amazed me as I adventured through the leaves. I seen many different types of species of birds which shocked me as of how many different colors and feathers each animal has I began to write down what I seen as I walked through the shrubs. I collected samples from the manure of some birds and was shocked by the different type of textures I could find all around me I will soon return to the jungle.
It was my first time in the jungle i was so excited scenery was beautiful atmosphere was calm and pleasant i always wanted to go to jungle and see a tarzan at evening my parents and the guide decided to take a nap we went inside our camp eveyone slept except me i stood and walked out in search of tarzan suddenly i saw alot of butterflies i got excited and ran after them they lead me to my destiny the butterflies reached a tree where i saw a boy wrapped in leaves i recognized him he was looking exactly like tarzans in stories he was playing with rabbits i talked with him he became my friend he was about to tell me his story when i suddenly heard my mum “Alexa ,Alexa wake up noww” thats when i woke up and realized it was all a dream. I met tarzan but not in reality in my dream.