Altaic is spoken around the
I’ll give you two:
Yes: The “War” on the Indians was not a traditional war of declaration but of skirmishes. When wagon trains of people headed West Indians would commonly target them for raids and pillage, so along many routes forts where built and patrols would try and make sure they were safe. If the problem became worse the local garrison would find the tribe and come with a list of demands. Most of the time they were fired upon arrival out of fear or anger. This would lead to a small battle or skirmish which would likely cause collateral damage.
No: The wars raged in the west against the Indians were that of near genocide, and to call it anything but is misleading. To claim that the slaughter of hundreds of innocent people was a “battle” is absurd and shouldn’t be considered. Though in films that depict such events are dramatized and inaccurate, situations much like those were taking place around the west yearly.
When voting rights frist started only wealthy land owners were allowed to vote which was an idea that was taken from the Greek Democracy and all members of the Greeek Assembly were elected their positions by citizens that they represented and were paid for their work in the public office just like the way the U.S. elects their officials. The U.S. also took the 3 branches of government from the Greek Democracy and the citizens right to exercise political power. The Constitution was an idea taken from the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic had a list of rules called the Twelve Tables (list of rules/Roman legal system) and both the Roman & U.S. Senate's deal with foreign policies.
Answer: Both
Explanation: The league of Nations was both because it was Sucessful in small ways, but over all it was a majority failure.
The Federalists and their supporters believed that believed in regional
control, with devolution in government, but an equal division of power.
They would have favoured a number of characteristics of modern
government, such as there being different laws in each state and
different representatives for each state proportionally.