senators wanted to make changes to this part of the charter of the League of Nations. President Wilson didn't want this to occur. as a result, we not only didn't join the League of Nations, we didn't ratify the Versailles Treaty. We ended up signing separate peace treaties with the Central Powers
George Wallace was a noted racist and appealed to voters who shared his racist opinions and beliefs. Part of Wallace's "genius" was his ability to use coded racist language, language which highlighted his racist opinions and ideas yet couldn't easily be used to identify him as a flagrant racist to the public.
2- (Not/have/our oven/deliver)
3- (decorate/the dining area)
4- (print/the menus)
5- (send/the invitations)
The correct answer is A. National Labor Relations Act.
The National Labor Relations Act, passed in 1935, is a federal law that gave private sector employees significant rights in the work place. These rights include the ability to join a union without penalty, the ability to collectively bargain with their employers over wages, and the opportunity to take collective action (like striking) against their employers if the conditions/wages are not up to par. This was history in the making, as laborers had been fighting for legal rights like this since the late 19th century.