Respect means a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicted by their abilities, qualities or achievements. Respect is a meaningful and powerful word. We all want others do treat us with respect in return we shall treat them with respect. The opposite of respect is disrespect which has a much more stronger effect. Disrespect can be defined as having a lack of respect, being impolite, rude and overall intolerant.
is it like this !!
when I was small I was playing with my friends in our compound then we were running suddenly broken bottle shuck my leg then I just fall on the ground and held the leg and started screaming to call the attention of my mum just immediately she hear me screaming she come and carry me then try the necessary needs to cure the wound and if she is treating the wound she will buy me (cheese ball,biscuit and sweet) for me to stop crying then I will reduce the cry.
when she is done with treating my leg,she will carry me and back me at her back
Mummy thank u very much for ur help over me.
is this how it goes?
hmm can you be more specific