Anything that can be seen, touched, tasted, smelled or heard. it might also involve the sense of proprioception, such as the movement of the arms and legs or the change in position of the body in relation to objects in the environment .
ex - A car drives past with the window rolled down and the music blasting, Another would be , A duck splashes in a nearby pondd .
- Hope this helps
Answer: Coastal estuary
Euryhaline animals are able to live in the wide range of salinity.These animals have the ability to live in the variety of water mostly fresh water.
The coastal estuary is one of the habitat of such animals. The green crab, molly fish are some example of the animals found in this environment.
Some of the euryhaline animals are also found in the salt and brackish water, fresh water, moderately haline et cetera.
To confirm the above hypothesis, Maria should perform an experiment to prove that xylem is responsible for the transport of coloured water through the plant. This is called the ascent of sap.
A suitable plant having a tender, semitransparent stem should be selected. The root system of the plant should be cut off and the twig has to be placed half-immersed in a coloured solution of water for about one hour. Later, when the plant is observed, parallely running streaks of coloured water can be seen through the semitransparent stem and other parts of the plant indicating that the xylem is involved in the upward movement of water.
Cytoplasm of RBCs contain large amount of hemoglobin which contain iron binds to haem group. it carry and transport oxygen from lungs to all parts of body and return carbondioxide back to the lungs from the different tissues.
Normal level of hemoglobin for men= 13.5 to 17.5 g/dl and for women =12.0 to 15.5 g/dl
Low level of hemoglobin is the indication of anemia
<span><span>1 Corundum
</span><span>2 Topaz
</span><span>3 Quartz
4 </span><span>Orthoclase
</span><span>5 Apatite
6 </span><span>Fluorite
7 </span><span>Calcite
8 </span><span>Gypsum
</span><span>9 Talc
Are all answers to what diamond on a scale of minerals can scratch.