Japanese smiths traditionally use tama-hagane, steel produced in a tatara smelter from iron-rich sand. Modern smiths making Japanese katana's in the traditional manner still use this type of steel today, now produced in the last operating tatara smelter, located in Yokota, Shimane Prefecture.
while chinese had crucible steel used in the Chinese swords, called chi-kang (combined steel), was similar to pattern welding, and edges of it were often forge welded to a back of soft iron, or jou thieh.
Option: They wanted to seek silver and gold there.
Americans first travel across the Great Plains to get gold and silver in the 1800s. After the Civil War, a vast amount of people from the east began to move in the West in search of gold. The first wave of settlers to the West were miners. The great plains region consists of Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.
someone who is brave and willing to spare their life to save someone and a hero usually stops at no rest to save people