Answer: King William's War Outcome
Aftermath. The Treaty of Ryswick signed in September 1697 ended the war between the two colonial powers, reverting the colonial borders to the status quo ante bellum. The peace did not last long; and within five years, the colonies were embroiled in the next phase of the colonial wars, Queen Anne's War.
Result: Treaty of Ryswick; Status quo ante bell...
Date: 1688–1697
Location: North America
King George's War (1744–1748) is the name given to the military operations in North America that formed part of the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748). It was the third of the four French and Indian Wars.
Queen Anne’s War, (1702–13), second in a series of wars fought between Great Britain and France in North America for control of the continent. It was contemporaneous with the War of the Spanish Succession in Europe. British military aid to the colonists was devoted mainly to defense of the area around Charleston, S.C., and the exposed New York–New England frontier with Canada. English settlements were subject to brutal raids by French forces and their Indian allies. After the British capture of the key French fortress of Port Royal in 1710, French-ruled Acadia became the British province of Nova Scotia. In addition, under the terms of the Treaties of Utrecht (1713), Britain acquired Newfoundland and the Hudson Bay region from France.