The Qing Dynasty collapsed in the early 1900s due to corruption, peasant unrest, ruler incompetence, and population growth which led to food shortages and regular famine
Answer: the now free, former enslaved people, seek to give meaning to their freedom immediately
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland<span> and its </span>empire<span> remained officially neutral throughout the </span>American Civil War<span> (1861–65). It legally recognised the belligerent status of </span>the Confederacy<span>, but never recognized it as a nation and never signed a treaty or exchanged ambassadors. However, the top British officials debated intervention in the first 18 months. Elite opinion tended to favour the Confederacy, while public opinion tended to favour the United States. </span>
<u>Answer:</u> "Tornado" is a form of severe weather depicted in the given image.
A tornado is a rapidly spinning mass of air reaching down to the ground from the center of a thunderstorm. Tornadoes can completely destroy well-made buildings, uproot trees and hurl objects like lethal missiles through the air. Several types of tornadoes include multiple vortex tornado, landspout, and waterspout.
Tornadoes occurs very often in North America (especially in central and southeastern regions of the United States known as tornado alleys), southeastern South America, Southern Africa, Northwestern and Southeastern Europe, Bangladesh and adjacent eastern India, Western and Southeastern Australia and New Zealand.
Tornadoes can be detected before or as they occur with the help of Pulse-Doppler radar by recognizing patterns in data on velocity and reflectivity like hook echoes or debris balls, also by storm spotter effort.
binding arbitration would end unrestricted economies all through a large part of the economy. Government authorities could direct wages and working conditions to any organization sufficiently disastrous to be coordinated.
binding arbitration would do the same amount of harm to laborers' privileges. They would lose all resources as of now accessible to them. Endorsers would lose their entitlement to decide on sanctioning the agreement they should work under, and they couldn't strike over the last agreement, regardless of how awful it is. Restricting intervention gives laborers an agreement if they like it.
binding arbitration could likewise cost laborers their annuities. Associations are probably going to press the mediator to constrain recently coordinated specialists to join a multi-manager association benefits plan, and in enterprises where these plans are normal, the judge would almost certainly concur.
With organization enrollment in consistent decay, Coordinated Work faces a decision. It can accomplish the difficult work important to shed the New Arrangement model that actually shapes its obsolete approach and adjust to the present economy. Or on the other hand it can utilize its political muscle and get Congress to make it simpler to constrain laborers to join.