Of course, John D. Rockefeller lost a little money during the Great Depression but he was still a billionaire. He had stock and other assets which lost value but he held on to them until they recovered their value.
<span>John D. Rockefeller is an interesting person. He could compartmentalize business and personal like a mobster. He was absolutely ruthless in business. He drove competitors out of business with unfair practices like demanding kick-backs from railroads. One competitor he put out of business was affiliated with one of his brothers. That brother never talked to John D ever again. John D's son was to take over his business, but when he saw the tactics regularly employed, he begged off. </span>
<span>But personally, John D was quite generous. He would carry around a roll of dimes and hand the coins to everyone he met. Also, the Rockefellers were quite frugal. One of John D's other brothers worked with him and he became rich but obviously not nearly as rich. That brother led a more opulent life style than John D and his family. The Rockefellers should say things like "We're not the Vanderbilts" when in fact the Rockefellers had much more money than the Vanderbilts or anyone else. </span>
<span>But all in all, due to his business practices, I would have to say that John D. Rockefeller was an odious character.</span>
Explanation: because it means migration
Children performed all sorts of jobs including working on machines in factories, selling newspapers on street corners, breaking up coal at the coal mines, and as chimney sweeps. Sometimes children were preferred to adults because they were small and could easily fit between machines and into small spaces.
source: https://www.ducksters.com/history/us_1800s/child_labor_industrial_revolution.php
Alliance means when two countries becomes friends or are associated. It's like partnership.