Answer: Using imread command
For loading images in matlab we can use the imread command. Some example regarding how to use the code is as follows:
A = imread('ball.tif');
Here suppose the image file name is saved as ball and is in tif format. Here the image is stored in an array named A.
We can view the image using
Answer: True
The definition of minimum spanning tree(MST) says that the graph must be connected and undirected to be considered for MST. It has (V-1) edges where V is the number of vertices. The minimum spanning tree is implemented using Kruskal's algorithm whereby it starts by considering the minimum weighted edge and covers all the edges upto (V-1) edges. So for MST it has to be connected
B correct answer b i think so
send a threatening text in reply, then block the phone number block the phone number, then contact his phone service provider immediately delete the text, then report the incident to authorities ignore the message, then get a new cell phone number.