yellow: the last sentence in the text
blue: Queenies flowers reached for the sky
Personification means that you apply human characteristics to things that are not alive, like a flower smiling, a term used when people see a field of healthy flowers
input Devices, Processing Devices, Output Devices, Memory/Storage Devices
Def firstChars( word ):
if( word ): # make sure word has characters
print( word[ 0 ] ) # print the first character (Python 3 syntax)
PDF or (Portable Document Format) this is a format standard to store, design, administrate, this standard include bit maps format, image format, objects, and text format, all these formats to show pages quickly, PDF is a standard and for the devices can show this format, devices like prints, laptops, or even cellphones.
The development of new information system is economically justified when or if the organization or group handling the information system has assessed its cost feasibility. If so, this will only fall under the circumstances that the information system is justified economically