All medicines must be stored in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture. Some medicines require special storage conditions such as in the refrigerator, or even the freezer. Such medicines can expire quickly if they are improperly stored at room temperature, becoming toxic or less effective.
nope jjjzbznkanskalNbkapaakbBO Lab Zbk
restoring a healthy flow of energy along the meridians of the body
Acupuncture either increases or decreases the flow of qi along the meridians of the body. It does not directly address the relationships between body, spirit, and emotions, nor does it aim to release toxins or change an individual's perception of reality.
Feedback loop
- feedback means telling whether it was good or bad or in this case, works or not.
Option b) chromosomes
The correct answer for the given question is option (b) Chromosomes.
The whole structure of the sperm contains the various components which are
as follows:
The head of the sperm contains the nucleus and the chromosomes
The neck contain of the sperm contains the mitochondria
the tail of the sperm contains the flagella.