for what reason or purpose
I don't believe you would be marked down for not including it.
<u>However, you still could include it just to show your teacher that you really did extensive research on the topic rather than using your own opinion.</u>
Answer: Nor could we ignore an important European contribution to personality theory. ... In other words, while it is a statement of fact that personality theorists have dealt ... There is by no means complete agreement concerning all of the issues to be ... the child learns to guide his behavior along the lines laid down by the parents.
Without the word spring in the first sentence of this paragraph, how would you know the time of year in which the story takes place? The following options apply:
-Buds on the trees were swelling.
-The association of youth and gladness with the rebirth symbolized by spring.
The swelling buds point to a specific time in the life cycle of trees while the association of youth and gladness as elements of spring, of the rebirth of spring, is quite strong in this paragraph, specially as “youth and gladness” are located clearly on the sky and earth.
The remaining option, “Branches rustled faintly in the fresh breeze”, doesn’t provide a link to spring as strong as the other options.