The Scarlet Pimpernel by Maria Garcia contains many examples of rising actions:
1. When the Pimpernel dresses up in various disguises to smuggle French aristocracy to England.
2. Percy Blakeney leading a dual life and the fact that nobody believes him to be a vigilante.
3. Chauvelin, the villain chasing around the Scarlet Pimpernel.
How many children between the ages of 5 and 10 acted out in school due to violent television in the year 2009? This is what i would chose.
- She is deeply distraught by the sight of her murdered husband.
In the given excerpt from Shakespeare's popular tragedies 'Hamlet,' the author reveals that Hecuba was extremely distressed seeing the dead body of her murdered husband. This <u>allusion to Greek Mythology by referring to Hecuba who laments the death of her husband King Priam</u> <u>after Troy's fall offers a deeper context for the readers to understand the situation of Hamlet's wife</u>. She ends up being in a position of madness as she didn't know how to respond to it or how to accept the brutal truth that her husband is no more alive.
<em>A karyotype</em> is a term which refers to:
- an individual's collection of chromosomes - parts of the cell that contain genes.
- the procedure used to photograph an individual's chromosomes.
This technique is not used to track the occurrence of a trait in a family, but to look for abnormalities in the number or structure of chromosomes.